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Ushers & Greeters

The Hospitality Ministry helps establish a warm and welcoming climate.  The Ushers and Greeters assist the assembly with practical details so that the mass and sacred rites can be celebrated with ease.

Greeters stand at the doors and welcome the parishioners as they arrive, being attentive to newcomers, children, the elderly and those with special needs. They respond appropriately to particular needs within the assembly. 

Ushers assist with seating, ensure the Offertory is collected and guide parishioners for the reception of communion. They distribute weekly bulletins at the end of mass and ensure all depart safely.


Schedules for these volunteers are flexible and volunteers are able to choose preferred mass dates and times. For more information about how to get involved in these roles contact Pastoral Minister, Arden Ouellette or call the parish office. 


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