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     The Sacrament of Confirmation



Confirmation celebrations were held last January 25th, January 26th and January 27th, 2024, at St. Paul the Apostle Parish. 291 children from our parish community and 6 affiliated Catholic elementary schools were confirmed. We thank our parish and school communities for keeping our Confirmation candidates in your prayers during this special time.

If you have a child currently in Grade 7 or older who has not been confirmed, you belong to the St. Paul the Apostle parish & school community, and wishes for your child to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Melanie Gaddi, Pastoral Minister via email:


​Information regarding sacramental preparation for the children going into Grade 7 in SY2024-2025 will be distributed through the Grade 7 teachers in the first two weeks of September. Please keep an eye out for printed handouts from the school that will include key information regarding the registration process, retreats, important dates & details.

If your baptized child has not yet received First Communion and you wish to have your child receive the sacraments, you must contact the Sacramental Preparation Coordinator, Mrs. Melanie Gaddi, immediately to make the proper arrangements.


What is the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Confirmation is the sacrament by which Catholics receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives them the increased ability to practice their Catholic faith in every aspect  of their lives and to witness Christ in every situation.


The Effects of Confirmation are as follows:

  • An increased portion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, right judgment, understanding, courage, piety, and fear of the Lord

  • A deepening and strengthening of the grace received at Baptism, which is considered the presence of God in the soul

  • A more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ

  • A closer bond with the Catholic Church

  • The ability to take a greater, more mature role in the Church's mission of living the Christian faith daily and witnessing to Christ everywhere

  • A special mark, or character, on the soul that can never be erased.

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