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Welcome to Our Parish

Mass & Confession Schedule


Lord's Day Masses:

Saturday @ 5:00 pm

Sunday @ 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 8:00 pm


Daily Mass:

Monday, Wednesday - Saturday @ 9:00 am

Tuesday evening @ 7:00 pm



Saturday 9:30 -10:00 am & 4:00 - 4:30 pm

Fridays 9:30 -10:00am

or by appointment (call the office for details)




Contact Information

For contact numbers, staff listing and address see our Contact page.


How to Donate

Your ongoing contributions to the parish are greatly appreciated and needed. There are a variety of ways to donate.

Donate to the Parish

Donate to Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Find us on Social Media

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   Society of St. Vincent de Paul

This ministry provides important support to members of  our community for a variety of  needs. Donation support is always needed and greatly  appreciated. Please click here for updated information on donation options and to learn more about this organization. If you need assistance, please call 905-522-8222


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Access our online platform FORMED here, under our parish name St. Paul the Apostle Burlington, ON.


Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope​

Our parish is leading a pilgrimage for the Jubilee of Hope to Greece and Turkey in the footsteps of St. Paul. This pilgrimage will be led by Fr. John Schnurr and will be departing in September 2025. Please see the flyer below for more information. â€‹



Lent & Easter Schedule

The full parish schedule for liturgies, confessions and masses for the season of Lent and Easter is available here.

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Recent RCIA Events

On March 1st, Margaret C of our RCIA was fully received into the faith, joined by her family and members of our group.


On March 9th the Catechumens of our group participated in the Rite of Election at the Cathedral. Ten adults & youth joined by their godparents celebrated this joyful occassion led by Bishop Crosby. These Elect, and their fellow Candidates, now enter the Period of Purificaiton & Enlightenment as their faith journey brings them closer to full reception. Continue to pray for them please!

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Lenten Adult Formation: Bread of Life

Join us on Thursday mornings March 6th to April 3rd as we explore Christ's teachings on Eucharist in scripture. Videos, group discussions and individual reflections on the sacrament will shape our Lenten journey and help prepare us to celebrate the Passion, Death & Resurrection of our Lord this Easter. Participate in one or all sessions as desired. No registration is required and all are welcome.


Sessions run 9:45 am to 11:00 am in the hall. Refreshments and all materials will be provided at no cost.  For further information click here or contact Arden Ouellette, Pastoral Minister, at the parish office.

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Lenten Reconciliation Workshop

Join Father John Schnurr on Saturday March 22nd from 9:45 to Noon as he leads us through an examination of the healing sacrament of Reconciliation as part of our Lenten journey. Entering deeply and intentionally into this sacrament during Lent prepares us for the death and resurrection of our Lord that we celebrate at Easter. Click here to book online or call/email the parish office to secure a spot. Refreshments and materials will be provided. No fee to register.

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Jubilee Creation Walk 

Save the date of April 26th, morning, for our parish Creation Walk in celebration of the Jubilee of Hope. Open to all ages we will use this time together to embrace the earthly creations given by God that surround us and understand that we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope in all we do, particularly during this Jubilee year. 

Following the walk there will be refreshments and fellowship back at the church. More details will be posted here and in the bulletin in the coming weeks.


Junior Choir Starting Up for Easter

Once again the Jr. Choir will start rehearsing as they prepare to participate in Music Ministry this Easter. The registration form for children to join the choir and details about rehearsals etc. is here. For more information reach out to our Music Director, Cydney Speers.  

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